This month’s Odacite Kind of Girl is green movement influencer and writer, Leah Thomas. She is a graduate of Environmental Science & Policy, who in addition to her blog also writes for and has been featured on publications such as The Huffington Post, The Raw Story and Blavity. Her passion for environmental justice and equal access to nature, which she refers to as ‘Green Inclusivity’, was just one of the many reasons why we wanted to get to know her. She created the blog Green Girl Leah to raise awareness around eco-friendly living and combat misunderstandings that people may have about going green. Her ultimate goal is to help people live with both self-care and the environment in mind, which aligns with what Odacité is all about.
“I’m just living and trying to spread positivity, I don’t have a name for it exactly I’m just trying to be a ‘Green Girl,'” - Leah Thomas
We hope you enjoy getting to know this green beauty goddess, what her latest wellness obsession is, and which Odacité products she swears by....
If I had to describe myself in 3 words…
Ambitious, caring, forward-thinking
My alarm is set for…
7:40 am Monday through Friday so I can make it into the office by 9. On weekends I sleep in as late as I can and take it easy.
I cannot start my day without…
A nice warm shower and a clean face. I love washing my face in the morning, it helps me feel refreshed and I don’t like adding makeup to an oily face.
My fridge is always stocked with…
Easy, healthy foods. Sometimes I get really busy and don’t have the time to cook complex meals, but I like to get healthy salads and food from Trader Joes that I can enjoy with little effort and feel guilt free knowing its healthy! I also love getting pre-made yogurt smoothies for the morning.
On my idea of a perfect day,
Waking up to a great breakfast, spending quality time with friends or family, spending alone time to work on my blog,, and creating content. Followed by catching up on a podcast or an episode of my current binge-watching favorite. OR of course, being on a nice vacation in a tropical location!
My favorite workout is…
I struggle with hyperthyroidism so I can’t do things that make my heart rate scarily high which has been a big change for me. Hyperthyroidism also makes me very tired! So my favorite exercises are pilates and yoga-based because I can better control my heart rate but still focus on muscle tone.
My latest wellness obsession is…
Not really a product, but more so an improved thought process. Positive self-talk is my newest wellness obsession. I have the tendency to be really hard on myself and take the blame for others, so doing the work to rewire my thoughts to be self-compassionate has been great! Creating boundaries and learning to separate people’s stuff from mine has been wonderful.
The last podcast I listened to was…
I love listening to Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday podcast. Since my job is mostly reading and writing (communications) I prefer podcasts and documentaries.
My favorite way to relax is…
Sitting in my hammock in the backyard and watching Hulu or Netflix.
To get my creative juices flowing I…
I get really excited and see potential in everything and everyone which gets my creative juices flowing. Sometimes I have to stop the creative juices and relax because I find excitement and potential all around me :)
My definition of beauty is…
Self-acceptance and self-awareness. Beauty is internal and when someone is confident in their inner self, it’ll radiate outward and other people will feel those positive vibes. I enjoy seeing women evolve when becoming their true selves, that is so beautiful to me!
The Odacité product I swear by…
My current mantra is…
You cannot control most things, but you can control how you think. You can always choose another thought.
For all things green - from clean beauty and clean eating to bettering the environment and bettering yourself, visit Leah's blog, Green Girl Leah.